2024 was an incredible year for missions. Brad Huddleston Ministries is so grateful for the prayer and financial support. We also appreciate those who will consider giving for our 2025 missions.
What others are saying…
Brad Huddleston and his ministry have become a part of the DNA of the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools. He has shared his knowledge and passion with countless teachers and administrators from ACTS schools over the years. That passion has impacted thousands of students in ACTS schools across the US and around the world. His cornerstone work, Digital Cocaine, has been the topic of many conversations in recent days as administrators and teachers alike attempt to navigate the landscape that is digital learning during these unprecedented times. Brad is a consummate professional in his presentation of difficult material. His heart for ministry flows through the conversations that occur after the presentations. His friendship with ACTS, and me personally, has been as valuable as any resource.
Steve Lindquist
Director of Accreditation and Member Services
Association of Christian Teachers and School
Brandon, Florida (USA)
Brad Huddleston Ministries helps us understand what we’re dealing with when we’re engaged with our technology. In today’s world, if we’re going to be healthy, whole human beings, then it’s vital that we understand the effects that our technology use is having on us. BHM and the Digital Cocaine message is essential for such a time as this.
Brian Fitzgerald
Discipleship Director, Grace Christian School
Co-pastor, Community Fellowship Church
Staunton, Virginia (USA)
Brad's books, The Dark Side of Technology and Digital Cocaine are a must have for every household. They help navigate this world of social media, how it affects us and our children, and their behavior. I participated in a 2-week screen detox, and I must honestly say it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was an emotional roller coaster, anger being the major one. However, as the days went on, my brain slowly came out of its digital fog, and I started to enjoy life again. Whether or not you have children, get reading and equip yourself and your family to enjoy this digital world instead of being enslaved to it.
Any amount of financial support given to Brad Huddleston Ministries will impact not only your world but also thousands of others around our globe.
Brad is a strong, captivating speaker who knows what he's talking about. Join him in his passion for seeing people educated and set free from the deception of this digital drug that is an epidemic sweeping over our world.
Chelsea Morris
Dalby, Australia
Pam & Graham Yoko
Brad Huddleston has been a speaker at several AEE conventions and seminars. His message around the dangers of digital addiction have been most helpful, equipping both educators and parents to take practical steps in avoiding the negative impact of this reality.
Brad has spoken at AEE youth conferences where the digital addiction message has been exceptionally well received by those in attendance. The Digital Cocaine message not only provides information but also the practical steps that can be implemented to counteract the negative effects of digital addiction.
Brad’s presentation appeals to both young and old as he effectively communicates the message surrounding the dangers of digital addiction.
Graham Yoko
CEO - Accelerated Education Enterprises
Durban, South Africa
Brad Huddleston is needed and was created for such a time as this. As a mentor and builder of men for the last 15 years, most men are ill-equipped to keep up with, let alone stay in front of technology and the impact it is having on our children and on society. Brad's ministry is like a parent's secret weapon to not only keep us in the fight for the souls of our children but also to help us take back the territory the enemy has stolen from us. I applaud the work that he's doing, and I pray that he keeps doing it.
Dr. Joe Martin
Founder of RealMenConnect.com
Host of Real Men Connect - The #1-rated podcast for Christian men on Apple Podcasts
The ministry of Brad Huddleston to the world around us today has gone from important to critical. It is critical that children, families, churches, and schools understand how the enemy uses these tools to his advantage to pull us from one another and most importantly isolate us from our Savior. Just as we see food ministries, clothing, emergency shelter at the top of life-saving ministries, I also believe that this ministry should be in that same category.
Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Brad Huddleston’s ministry strives to help children, parents, churches, and schools understand how the overuse of technology hinders us from achieving this very goal.
Principal Beckie Cannon
Calvary Chapel Christian School
Brownsville, Pennsylvania (USA)
Ed & Cathy Arcalas
Christ has given Brad the special ability to communicate and relate to both adult and student audiences. He is an excellent resource and having him address your clientele will be a fruitful endeavor.
His message on the effects of digital technology on a person’s brain, spirit, and well-being is so fitting during these times of remote learning, video entertainment, and social media. Having him speak and/or supporting his ministry would allow his unique and important message to be shared with others throughout the world.
Principal Ed Arcalas
Calvary Chapel Christian School
Honolulu, Hawaii (USA)
Ten years ago, when most parents and teachers were encouraging kids to go digital, Brad Huddleston was one of the very few persons that I know that went against the tide to expose how addictive these devices are and advocated the moderation of their use. Thanks to his ministry and books, many parents, teachers, and even kids are now more aware of the dangers of technology and are making necessary steps to counter its addictive effects.
Your involvement through prayers and financial support will further the reach and impact of Brad’s ministry and help people around the world live healthily and develop more meaningful relationships.
Marc Villa-Real
Pastor, Christ's Commission Fellowship
If ever there was a time in history when Brad's message is needed, it is now! As public education shifted to remote learning from home, the time spent on the internet is ever increasing. Our school gained tremendous insight and solutions to the very real problem of digital addiction and the damage to a child's brain.
Principal Renee Griffith
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Statesville, North Carolina (USA)
Brad and his wife and team are on a mission to free people from digital addiction! This is what resonates so strongly with us and the platforms we have especially through the pandemic where most --if not all-- of the world has put their digital use on overdrive. Thus we have been using the information and practical tips from the book "Digital Cocaine" to help families navigate through this new normal of digital use...and it's been powerful so far!
Edric Mendoza
Changemaker: entrepreneur, financial planner, speaker, family advocate
The message of Digital Cocaine by Brad Huddleston is fast becoming the most important and critical message of modern times. Brad is bringing to the forefront an awareness of the lurking danger in the palm of our hands in a way that prompts positive change that is bringing health and healing. This has been our experience in our community and school where Brad has spoken.
Pastor Peter de Fin
Acts Christian Church
Midrand, South Africa