Expresso Morning Show - Are You a Digital Addict?

This is from my February 22, 2016 appearance on the Expresso Morning Show which is broadcast nationally on SABC3 from Cape Town, South Africa. Please feel free to share, especially with parents.

7 News - Experts Are Becoming Increasingly Worried About Children

Experts are becoming increasingly worried about children and their addiction to the digital world. This was broadcast nationally in Australia. 

7 News - Police Are Encouraging Young People To Get a Digital Detox

Police are encouraging young minds to get a digital detox. Brad Huddleston teamed with Sgt Nigel Dalton of the Queensland Police to tour schools with a message of using technology in ways that are not harmful to the brain. (July 2014)

7 News Mackay, Australia Reports on Multimedia Camp 2012

Media Expert Brad Huddleston and Sgt Nigel Dalton of the Queensland Police Crime Prevention Unit are working together with a group of multimedia students at Mackay Christian College to produce a DVD about cyber safety. (July 17, 2012)

WIN News Mackay, Australia reports on Multimedia Camp 2012

Media Expert Brad Huddleston and Sgt Nigel Dalton of the Queensland Police Crime Prevention Unit are working together with a group of multimedia students at Mackay Christian College to produce a DVD about cyber safety. (July 17, 2012)

Dean Welty interviews Brad on Valley Faith in Action

Brad was recently interviewed by Dean Welty on his weekly television show "Valley Faith in Action". The topic was Brad's latest book entitled "The Dark Side of Technology: Restoring Balance in the Digital Age". This interview has received a lot of attention.